Secure the Southwest Border Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 1, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ADERHOLT. Thank you for yielding, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Speaker, it has been discussed throughout this debate this afternoon and this evening that we do face an unprecedented humanitarian emergency with literally thousands of unaccompanied alien children that are crossing our southwest border monthly, a number that has more than doubled since the last year.

It has been said by some that it is due to President Obama's mixed messages and the administration's unwillingness to enforce the law, but regardless of what the reason is, we have a crisis that is growing.

The bill that is before us this evening represents a simple, measured approach to the crisis at the border. It is not comprehensive immigration reform; rather, its focus is on fixing the issues within the context of the law, issues that have fueled the influx of these children.

It also streamlines the process to ensure that those who are not eligible for asylum are quickly and safely repatriated to their families while, at the same time, adding protection to make sure that children who have been trafficked or genuinely in need of asylum get that protection they need.

Like many of my colleagues, I appreciate the leadership's willingness to listen and address these matters in the bill that is before us. I think we have all come together and done a great job to craft this legislation. I believe this version now provides the necessary and appropriate language needed to move forward and to address the crisis that we are seeing.

I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation.

